I Am She
“Я ОНА” a Russian sentence which translates to “I AM SHE” Women have always played an essential role in history, but their stories rarely made into history books. However, some women’s contribution was so important that their stories could not be edited out.
“Я ОНА” is a women empowerment program, a ray of hope for every woman to know that she can become what every other successful woman has become. “Я ОНА” lets these women know that they can play a major role in shaping their own destinies. “ROMZAIB” is set to transform women into women whose contributions to the world in future cannot be edited out of history.
Our program focuses on gender equality and women empowerment. We at “ROMZAIB” find it essential to coordinate national and state efforts to integrate gender equality and women’s empowerment into poverty reduction, democratic governance, and sustainable development. Through our interventions we work to ensure that the voices of women are heard so they can participate equally in public dialogue, be involved at all level of decision making and influence the decisions that will determine the future of their families and country.